Friday, October 20, 2006


AAAHHHHH...The 3 day fast is over and I just had one of the best Mexican meals I have ever had. What a great feeling. I had three cups of Dunkin donuts coffee the best coffee in the world!
Whenever we fast like this I love the way the Lord feels so near. Everyone has had such a great experience and did so good. (Lizah only smelled the pizza!). All of us felt a breakthrough in our hearts. Mine was in the area of selfishness. It is hard to admit, but I am still struggling with the same things from kindergarten, but instead of fighting over toys it is stinginess with my time, my space, and my expectations. When you are so weak that you can't argue anymore...God can make some progress maturing you!
Anyway fasting for us at Global Passion is an amazing time. It is a normal part of our schedule at the FUEL intern program. If you have never tried it, maybe you could skip a lunch this week and go to the park and just talk to God. You will be surprised at the difference it makes in your ability to resist temptation and hear the voice of God.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fun with the fam

We had a great time with Dories Grandma and aunt while in Sacraemento last week.
Here are four generations of Women in our family...Sandy (dories sis) Cookie (dories mom) Grandma, suzie (dories aunt), Dorie, Missy (dories other sis), Makenna, and Jada.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I am so sleepy. It is almost 1am and I am up having a hard time sleeping. Here is a little trick I learned in bible college: If I want to get right to bed I simply read the book of Numbers...and"jehosaphat begat lemonfat and lemonfat begat wahutzy"..ZZZZZZ

If you ever wondered who Brendan looks like...we do too!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Whew! I never knew having seven children at once could be so draining! I feel like a proud papa of six new kids, but they aren't kids at all, they are our new Global Passion Interns for 2006-2007. Randa (can I get an inhaler?), Sean (shank), Elizah (drives like a bat out of heck), Sarah (the momma), Manuel(scoobydoo van), and Angela (our cow girl). And of course Christina (OMG) makes seven (she started in January because she is special.
What makes our team so effective is that one persons weakness is covered by another's strength. It really has been a God designed team and they are already making an impact as part of the GPM Family.
Pics and details of the crew will go onto the website in the next few days but this one is of us conquering our 5 mile hike during orientation weekend.