Sunday, May 04, 2008

Full redemption, partial transformation

Have you ever seen Shrek? Particularly that moment when Fiona and Shrek kiss at the end and she is carried up into a rapturous glowing transformation and then brought back down as her "true-self."
I picture that happening when someone encounters God for the first time and surrenders their will. Suddenly they are flooded with love, peace, and acceptance like they have never felt before and God fully redeems them and begins transforming them. For the first time a person gets introduced to their "true self," because God's purpose for their life comes into their heart. But I have often wondered why in that salvation moment that drug addictions are not totally dissolved, temper issues still linger, and Pride retains its grip.
I think it is because the Lord will later use these temptations and issues in our lives to draw us closer to him, by teaching us day by day throughout our lifetime that His ways really do help us overcome. If he did it all instantly, presto-chango style, then we wouldn't really learn to fight through things, to trust him in every circumstance, and put His word to the test.

He asks us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

Are we redeemed by the blood--Completely, are we transformed into a new creation--Totally, but not yet. It is like a seed God plants that has to germinate and then climb to the surface, struggling through the soil to reach the sunlight.

If you are feeling particularly imperfect today, relax you are on the right path.
Keep struggling! The sunlight awaits.

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