Thursday, November 02, 2006

Just want to brag on the interns for a minute. We did our first few services together today as a whole team, and they did great. I was very proud of Randa, Christina, Sarah, and Elizah for being so clear and passionate while sharing their testimonies. They held a prop in their hands while they spoke about what kept them from really pursuing the call of God on their lives and then when they finished sharing they broke the prop and threw it into a metal trash can...the shattering glass got everyone's attention.
Manny-Fresh and Shank (Sean), you guys will forever be the audience "thrillers"-no one can get the kids dancing like you did.
Angela, your demon was particularly menacing today during the skit-maybe that is why you attacked me with your water bottle today...I think you need to see our campus counselor Dave.
Everyone had a great attitude overall and served well. One example I observed was after lunch. We had done two high energy services and just ate a filling lunch so when enterd the chapel for our third service we pretty much all just wanted to sit around a little. Instead of just relaxing, Elizah offered to take over vacuuming for one of the school janitors. We have been talking about serving others and your actions personified the heart of our team and Global Passion--Great Job.

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